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Reliable On-Demand 3D Printing Service

Fast delivery Satisfaction guaranteed Affordable Custom Bulk order discounts for you.

Why Choose Our 3D Printing Service?

Features Benefits
🚀 Fast Turnaround Receive prints in as little as 2 days
🎯 High Precision Accuracy up to 0.2mm for professional results
🎨 Custom Finishes Choose from matte, gloss, or smooth surfaces
💰 Affordable Pricing Competitive rates with bulk discounts
📐 Diverse Materials PLA, ASA, PETG, and more for various applications
👨‍🔧 Design Consultation Receive free design improvement tips


“Thank you so much for the fast processed. I highly commended you by my supervisor and she was impressed by the fast processing.”


“Thanks for the prompt delivery & explanation, very clear!”


“That’s perfect. Drawings look great from our brief viewing thus far. Once again thank you very much for your assistance during this process.”


“Alexandre had very good feedback from you all and we are very glad to have found such a professional team working on this”


“Thank you so much for this excellent service – now everything seems to be perfect. I can only commend your company!”

Claus GrunerSingapore

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price?

SGD20 to SGD200 per item.
*Price is subjected to change depending on the complexity of the print.

Any other quote options?

– Per project basis.
– Per gram basis.
– Per print basis.
– Per item basis.

How long will it typically take?

1-3 working days if model is provided.
*Delivery time frame is subjected to change depending on the complexity of the print.

Which software(s) do you use?

For 3D Modelling, we use:
– 3DS Max
– Fusion 360

For Slicing, we use:
– Bambu Studio
– Orca

Which the printable size of your printer?

256mm x 256mm x 256mm per part.
Do note that you can assemble 3D printed parts to form a bigger piece.

What do I need to provide to get started or a quotation?

– 3D model of your item in FBX, STL, STEP or OBJ format.
– Material of your item.
– Colour of your item.

Do you provide 3D modelling service?

Yes. You can click here for more information.

What material should I use?

3D Printing PLA Material

Decorative/Prototyping purpose

3D Printing PETG Material

Functional parts purposes

3D Printing ASA Material

Outdoor purposes